1 – General Description

Personal data owners (“Applicant”) defined as the person concerned in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“GDPR”) have the right to make certain requests regarding the processing of their personal data in accordance with Article 11 of the GDPR.

This application form has been prepared to determine your relationship with APOLLO AGENCY ELECTRONIC MARKETING CO. LTD. (“APOLLO AGENCY”), fully identify your personal data processed by APOLLO AGENCY (if any), and to respond to your application accurately and within the legal time frame. To ensure the safety of your personal data, and prevent unlawful data transfer, APOLLO AGENCY may require additional information for identification and authorization. The Applicant will be responsible for providing inaccurate and/or outdated information or submitting unauthorized applications.

If the Applicant’s application is to be responded to in writing, in accordance with Article 7 of the GDPR on the Principles and Procedures for the Request to Data Controller”, no fee shall be charged up to ten pages. For each page above ten pages, a transaction fee of 1 Turkish Lira may be charged. If the response to the application is provided in a recording medium such as CD, flash memory, the cost of the recording medium may be charged.

2 – Scope of the Right to Application under Article 11 of the GDPR

The Applicant can apply APOLLO AGENCY and make a request for the following issues:

1) To learn if personal data is processed,

2) To request information on the processing of personal data, if any,

3) To learn the purpose of processing personal data and if they were processed according to such purposes,

4) To learn domestic and international third parties that personal data is transferred to,

5) To request the correction of any personal data not processed accurately or completely and to request the notification of such corrections to any third parties receiving such data,

6) To request the deletion, destruction or anonymization of personal data originally processed in accordance with the GDPR laws, and other relevant legislation, but are no longer required to be processed, and to notify any third parties receiving such data of deletion, destruction, or anonymization,

7) To object to any detrimental effect due to the exclusively automated processing of data,

8) To request compensation for any damage resulting from the unlawful processing of personal data.

 3 – Application Method

In accordance with the first paragraph of Article 13 of the PDPL, applications relating to such rights shall be submitted in written and signed form or by any other method determined by the Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”).

In this regard, written applications can be submitted by printing this form:

· In person by the Applicant,

· Via notary public,

· Via registered electronic mail (REM) address, using secure electronic signature, mobile signature or

· By sending an e-mail via the electronic mail address of the Applicant previously notified and registered in our system.

 There is specific information on the written application channels to submit written applications, below.

Application Method Information to be Specified when Sending the Application The Address for Application
Application in person (Application of the Applicant in person with a document conforming his/her identity) “Information Request within the Protection of Personal Data Law” should be written on the envelope. Yakuplu, 4. Sk. no:19 D:1, 34524 Beylikdüzü/İstanbul
Submission via notary public “Information Request within the Protection of Personal Data Law” should be written on the envelope. Yakuplu, 4. Sk. no:19 D:1, 34524 Beylikdüzü/İstanbul
Application via Registered Electronic Mail (REM) by signing with “Secure Electronic Signature” “Personal Data Protection Law Information Request” should be written on the subject section of e-mail.  [email protected]
Application via Mobile Signature or E-mail [By using the electronic mail address previously reported to the data controller by the person concerned and registered in the data controller’s system] “Personal Data Protection Law Information Request” should be written on the subject section of e-mail. [email protected]

APOLLO AGENCY, will be able to request additional information and take measures to verify the Applicant’s identity in applications submitted by the Applicant via e-mail

In accordance with the second paragraph of Article 13 of the GDPR Laws, your applications submitted to us will be responded to in writing or in electronic form within thirty days of the notification or the date of receipt of your request based on the nature of the request